Fund Advisor: Nathan Kahn
The mission of the Lew and Lenny Legacy Fund is to inspire, incite and fund progressive union activities and projects within the symphonic and labor communities. The Fund perpetuates the memory of two legendary figures in musicians’ union activism, Lewis Waldeck and Leonard Leibowitz.

As funds allow, the Lew and Lenny Legacy Fund seeks to engage in the following projects, including, but not limited to:

- The restoration, enhancement, and duplication of various archive union-related educational audio and video material of Lew Waldeck, for distribution to local unions and orchestras;
- In cooperation with locals and orchestras in the U.S and Canada, the filming and the production of a comprehensive video library of historical orchestra growth and struggles, as told by the local labor activists and pioneers. This material will then be the basis for the production of an educational internal organizing video for conservatory students and symphony players, and other historical and educational documentaries, as needed;
- Identifying active leaders within a symphony orchestra and sending them to leadership/union training at the Meany Center, Labor Notes, or other worthwhile training facilities;
- Assisting meaningful internal organizing projects within orchestras and locals, such as presenting guest speakers or labor education specialists;
- Assisting orchestras involved in public relations projects (perhaps a video, newspaper advertisement, etc.);
- Training musicians in developing lobbying/political skills; and
- Educating our incoming symphonic members (either at the conservatory or symphony orchestra entry level) about subjects such as orchestra labor history and labor in general.
- In addition, the Fund may honor Lew and Lenny by adding their names to those of other labor leaders which are displayed on plaques at the Labor Legacy Monument in downtown Detroit.